

Wintergrove Covenant
We are a practicing group of eclectic pagans based in northwestern Pennsylvania,whose explorations into the history of the Keltoi, Egyptian, and Roman peoples led us to a more natural means of life, and spiritualism.
We are comprised of students of Druidism, Kemet Orthodox, Celtic spirituality, Wiccan and Christian Wiccan.
Wintergrove holds circles on the full moon esbat, as well as each Sabbat. Circles are overseen by the acting H.P. and are led by a different party each time, thereby permitting us the opportunity to learn from others beliefs, as well as to experience the various traditions.
The covenant is currently open to new members who are serious, as we are, about their faith and path. We encourage the interaction with other faiths, Christianity, Judaism, and any solitary practitioner of a faith which recognises the laws of love and light.
We refuse interaction with those who have "axes to grind" or who encourage denigration of Christianity or other faiths. We do not acknowledge, nor will we be a part of the much vaunted "witch wars" considering any path that leads to harmony and happiness a valid tradition. Wintergrove is dedicated to light and life, and to balance and harmony with the world around us. If you wish to apply, please review the application, and email or snail mail it to us. Your application will be reviewed by the members, and if acceptable, you will be invited to attend ritual, where we may decide if we are right for each other. We encourage applications from those within our area, and look forward to meeting with you. Public rites will be held for those who are curious, or interested in what Druidism or Celtic spirituality entails, beginning this Yule season, with times and places to be announced
Those who are not within the area of practice for Wintergrove are encouraged to attend or post to the message boards here.
Study groups are held via real time computer chat, on each new moon,(schedule of chats) as well as via message board on an ongoing basis.
We ask that if you wish to join the chats, you apply for membership in the study group, merely so that we may know how many people will be present in each chat and what level of knowledge is represented, as we try to suit the discussions to that level, as well as invite guest speakers based upon what it is we wish to explore on a given meeting.
Thank you for your interest in our group, and our pages, and to each of you Bright Blessings and Best wishes in your studies and search for your personal tradition.